See; TMI, Inc. v. Maxwell, 368 F.3d 433 (5th Cir. 2004) is legally defined as a ‘gripe site’ and the registered domain does not interfere with any trademarks or intellectual property of other mark(s). is a personal Gripe Site operated by Texas resident, Mark Burke (“MB”). is operated by a non-lawyer in the State of Texas, and does not offer legal advice.
It is operated as a gripe site, for reasons similar, if not identical to those cited in Maxwell, as referred to herein.
1 comment
My Lennox was three years old when the coil started leaking. I was made aware of the class action settlement and I have been noticing both my many neighbor’s Lennox units failing and what seems to be in my opinion, Lennox’s continued sales of faulty units and BS attempts to hide behind its lawyers and greed. I ripped my Lennox unit out and tossed it to the curb. There are so many better choices available – why would I fight a crappy unit sood by a crappy company?